Certificate of Not Receiving Scholarships

To get a certificate of not receiving or not being a scholarship recipient, please visit the Student Welfare Service Subdivision, 2nd Floor of the Graha Rectorate Building, UM or you can contact us via WhatsApp 081221986216
Fill in the Application Form for Not Receiving Scholarships

Layanan Surat Keterangan Penerima Bidikmisi / KIP Kuliah

Untuk mendapatkan surat keterangan penerima Bidikmisi / KIP Kuliah silahkan mendatangi Subbag Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa, Gedung Graha Rektorat UM Lantai 2 atau anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui WhatsApp 081221986216
Isi Formulir Pengajuan Surat Keterangan Penerima Bidikmisi / KIP Kuliah

Scoping Services for Lost Student Identity Cards

The management of the assessment of lost KTM is served in the Student Welfare Service Sub-section starting by asking for an assessment form at Counter C, Academic Section of the 2nd Floor of the UM Rectorate Building.
Watch Procedure

Study Leave Services

The management of study leave is served in the Student Welfare Service Sub-Unit, beginning with asking for an assessment form at Counter C, Academic Section of Graha Rectorate Building, 2nd Floor of UM
Watch Procedure

Outgoing / Moving Scoring Services

Management of outgoing / moving assessment is served at the Academic and Evaluation Subdivision begins by asking for an assessment form at Counter B of the Academic Section of the 2nd Floor of the UM Rectorate Building.
Watch Procedure

Information on Study Result Card Printing (KHS)

Printing KHS students are served at counter A Sub Division of Academic and Evaluation of the 2nd Floor of the UM Rectorate Graha Building by showing the KTM

UM Scholarship Registration Service

Students can register as potential UM scholarship recipients by registering online
See the UM Scholarship Registration Procedure

SOP for Student Fund Submission Services

Standard Operational Procedure for Submission of Funds for UM Student Activities
Check out the SOP for Fund Application Services
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