Scanning Out / Move Procedure

Visiting Counter B, Academic and Evaluation Subdivision of UM

Students come to counter B of the Academic and Evaluation Subdivision of the 2nd Floor of the UM Rectorate Graha to request and fill out a letter of request to move / exit and a moving / exit assessment process card

Meet the Head of the Department and Academic Advisor

Students meet and ask for the signature of the Head of the Department and Academic Advisory Lecturer on the outgoing / moving assessment process card

Visiting the Department / Faculty Laboratory

Students come to the Department / Faculty Laboratory to ask for the signature of the Officer to ensure that they do not have a loan / dependency

Visiting the Academic and Student Affairs Subdivision of the Faculty

Students come to the Academic and Student Affairs Subdivision of the Faculty to ask for the signature of the Officer to ensure that they do not have loans / dependents

Visit the Central Library

Students come to the Central Library to ask for the Librarian's signature to ensure that they do not have loans / dependents

Visiting the PNBP Subdivision

Students come to the Subdivision of PNBP, Graha Rectorate Building, 4th Floor to ask for the signature of the Officer to ensure that they do not have SPP, UKT, UKS, SPSA dependents

Visit the Pelkesma Subdivision

Students come to the Student Welfare Service Subdivision (Pelkesma), 2nd Floor of the Graha Rectorate Building, to ask for the signature of the Officer to ensure that they do not have dependents

Visiting Counter B, Academic and Evaluation Subdivision of UM

Students come to counter B of the Academic and Evaluation Subdivision of UM Graha Rectorate UM 2nd Floor to get a study certificate service at UM
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